What gods did our ancestors believe in?


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The reply to this question the pupils of Polotsk schools received during museum-pedagogical studies, which bear the corresponding title. These studies took place in September in the context of the museum-pedagogical programme that is realized on the basis of the museums of National Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve.

A comparatively new work of the colleagues of the Museum of local lore(the text of studies and visual equipment for it were worked out and demonstrated to the fourth forms in one of Polotsk schools in 2008-2009 academic year) was included in the general study system for 9-year-oldc hildren. A subject with the analogous title is included in the curriculum of school studies in the course “My motherland – Belarus”. Museum-pedagogical studies take place outdoors in the yard of Children’s museum on the bank of the Western Dvina, which helps to imagine that you are present at an ancient holiday in honour of a paan god, or visualize the sailing boats with fishermen, who throw food in water for an aquatic spirit. Children get acquainted with ancient beliefs of ancestors, with gods and spirits, which were prayed for centuries ago, with customs and legends, which have been preserved up to now, with the history of appearance of various expressions and words of the modern language. The studies are carried out in the Belarusian language and are full of games and entertainment moments (round dances and singing).

For better memorization and further reproduction of information during the lesson the computer game was worked out with the help of the scientifically-informational department. It is carried out in the computer room of the museum.

The studies “What gods did our ancestors believe in?” will remain in the children’s as well as teacher’s memory for a long time and in the teachers’ as well, because they encouraged active participation in round dances and, for example, the final game.